Sunday, November 3, 2013

Categories and Categorizing - Getting Integrative Waves Organized

Integrative Waves is a wellness practice specializing in the therapies of Vodder manual lymphatic drainage, clinical aromatherapy, and skin care. Many different topics for our blog are possible. How do we organize or posts to make it easy for readers to find what they are interested in?? To reach and keep our target audience interested enough that they want to use the services and products that Integrative Waves offer?

This is where categories and sub-categories enter the wonderful world of Integrative Waves! So which categories??

I began with the simplest categories - skin care, lymphatic drainage, and aromatherapy. Wow, lots of different topics would go into these categories - maybe it would become too overwhelming for my audience?

What to do to simplify...? Next, I took those categories and expanded them into sub-categories. Skincare expanded into such areas as facials, skin care products, and skin diagnosis. Lymphatic drainage expanded into treated conditions, explanation of the lymphatic system, and inflammation. Aromatherapy went into areas such as the different essential oils, uses for the oils, and essential oil safety.

What is interesting is that as I contemplated the kinds of categories to use, I discovered more and more topics for my blog.

OK, that is all well and good for more topics but how does all this help Integrative Waves to grow?

These categories helps viewers to quickly access information that they are looking for. It helps them save time. The categories also can show my expertise in different areas, and introduce Integrative Waves in different ways . As they read and learn, they will become more familiar with this business. They will also gain an idea of my personality. Using categories will also help Integrative Waves to stay focused and more easily determine what content people prefer. Preferred content tends to be shared and the business exposed to more people which will help Integrative Waves to grow....

Names of blogs commented on - discussing Personality, Personal, & Personable.

  • Nate Scharff
  • Manuel Acero
  • Mella Webster
  • David Harris

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