Thursday, October 31, 2013

Being Personable, Personal and Showing Personality - Should Integrative Waves Show the 3 Ps?

People like to read interesting blogs that are well-written and entice them to continue reading. What comprises this type of article? Often, the writer includes a personal touch so their personality shows through their writing. However, is this appropriate all the time? Should every article  be personable so that the reader feels like they know the writer? Or are there times when information needs to be presented in an impersonal way?

So the question is - How personable should Integrative Waves be in its blog? Hmmm...

Integrative Waves is a wellness practice - a very hands-on, touch oriented practice. One of the goals is to have people relax when they visit in person. So why would Integrative Waves not want people to relax and enjoy reading when they visit our blog?? Our words on-line should produce the same healing results as our hands do in person. Of course, unlike the physical visits where clients often fall asleep (a desirable response), viewers falling asleep reading our blog is NOT a desired result!

One of Integrative Waves' objectives is to educate. It has been found that people learn better when the information is presented in an interesting manner and if they can relate to it. They can relate better if they feel they can develop some sort of a relationship with the writer. In my opinion, it is important for Integrative Waves' writing to show personal touches and personality.

However, does including personality mean that serious subjects cannot be discussed? I do not believe that this is true. As a registered nurse of many years, I found that many difficult discussions regarding health were dealt with better when the healthcare professional, whether it be an MD or RN, showed some of their personality. People felt more connected and comforted than with someone who just stated the facts.

When a blog is written as though the writer is having a conversation with the reader, it can effectively impart both the personality of the writer and the information, whether serious or more lighthearted. By its very nature, a conversation is looking for a partner. Will YOU be Integrative Waves' partner in conversation???


  1. Alexandra, I agree that letting your personality come through is an important component of blogging. The trick is keeping our personality interesting! I like this blog:

  2. Thanks, Nate. I definitely agree with keeping one's personality interesting. It was interesting that you brought that up because with this post I was experiencing the decidedly annoying and frustrating writer's block. My words were not flowing as smoothly as they might if I was writing on something about which I was very familiar and passionate! Thanks for the blog referral! Alex

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Mella,

    Thank you for those lovely words!

    I really enjoy working with people and helping them achieve better health, if at all possible.

    Your art design is beautiful, by the way.

