Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Introduction of Integrative Waves - the Search for the Ideal Audience.

When we launch a business, we can either do it haphazardly or we can carefully consider whom we would like as our clients - in other words, who is our target market??

My company, Integrative Waves, is a wellness practice that integrates the holistic therapies of skin care, manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) and clinical aromatherapy, to help clients achieve their full health potential. I am a holistic RN, esthetician, certified Vodder lymphatic therapist, and clinical aromatherapist. My clinic is located in San Diego. Hmm, a bit dry but you get the gist of my business...

However, it is all well and good to have a business but you need to have an audience who wants what your business is offering AND who is willing to pay money for it, to remain in business longer than 5 minutes!

Ah, now we have got to the tough part.....

So I contemplated and reflected and contemplated some more on my ideal target market.... And this is what I decided. Now this is not completely set in stone, you realize - I am a Gemini with all my different sides having a say!

My ideal customer is a woman between the age of 35 and 70 with an income of $60,000+, living in San Diego. She will have attended college and may either be employed or be a homemaker. She may or may not have children. Leading an active lifestyle, she still takes time out regularly to read a good book and enjoy stillness.Her interests include organic gardening, cooking, and an appreciation of good food and wine. Believing in regular self-care for stress relief and health maintenance, she has a strong interest in integrative therapies. She likes to take care of her skin, using professional skin care products and having regular facials. She appreciates the need for western medicine but prefers to use essential oils and lymphatic drainage to maintain a healthy body.  She is passionate about learning and will be a life-long learner. Her belief that a person should be fully involved in life carries over to all her decisions - she wants to participate fully in all that concern her!

Now, I can hear men saying that I am being sexist and they feel like I am excluding them! Am I? Not at all, but my main market is women, just by the nature of what I do! Just a numbers thing - sorry, boys! However you are always welcome....

So what's that saying? Seek and ye shall find? Put it out to the universe and you shall be rewarded??

Hmm, I wonder....

On that note, I will leave you with our awe-inspiring (tongue-in-cheek) mission statement -
'Integrative Waves is dedicated to improving the well-being of the whole person by providing individualized, innovative, holistic therapies in a highly professional, knowledgeable and caring environment. Integrative Waves integrates different therapies to realize the full potential of each person's health through the combination of hands-on and education. A priority is to have people allow themselves to enjoy  their skin and feel good about themselves.'

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