Sunday, September 8, 2013

Social Media Chitchat

The world is a busy place and a person does not want to waste time on the wrong social media site for their message. Which to use for what? Is my message personal or is it business related? Who do I want to have a conversation with? Friends, family or potential customers?

I am still a social media newbie but I would like to give you my impression of some of the different sites. Are they suited more for business or personal use?

Facebook - the grand-daddy of them all but one of the most recent for me. Wonderful for personal conversations and communication. Businesses are using it with good results - in the form of pages. I still believe that it is more for personal use but I may change my mind the more I use it....

Twitter - this has been  taken over by businesses, large and small, to demonstrate their expertise in 140 characters or less. Celebrities use it to enhance their brand or in some cases show why  they shouldn't be a celebrity (by their not-so-smart tweets!).

LinkedIn - this is the first site I experienced. It is definitely business-oriented. It  has a more formal, business -like tone to it - no chitchat allowed.

Google+ - trying to become Facebook - undecided where it is heading yet. More personal at present? Hmmm...

YouTube - for videos - a mixture of business and personal. Great for businesses to demonstrate their expertise visually - a very useful tool. So many people are visual these days. For personal, well, everyone has heard of a personal video that has gone viral.

Yelp - this site gives consumers a voice to talk about businesses. This site is suited for personal use but businesses better be listening!

Well, those are my opinions. I have no or little experience with the many other sites but look forward  to learning about them.

Last night a friend told me to look into Pinterest. Off I go to explore........


  1. Hi Alexandra! I enjoyed reading your Social Media ChitChat. I agree about the raindrops on the window giving your blog a cozy feeling.

    When I wrote my blog post, I forgot about Yelp! What's interesting about Yelp is that the business owner isn't in charge of it, although he or she can encourage their customers to give them reviews.

    Have a great week!

  2. Thanks, Jennifer. I agree, the business owner isn't in charge and because the business owner is not in control Yelp scares a lot of business people.... Have a great week as well!
