Sunday, December 8, 2013

Scheduling Integrative Waves

Now that Integrative Waves has dabbled our feet in the wide blue ocean that is social media and decided on some waves to catch, it is now time to design a schedule that will allow surfing those waves successfully!

What will we become all aTwitter about and tweet, focus on for Facebook, and become goggle-eyed on Google+? Chit-chatting and blabbing in our blog, note-worthily newsy in our newsletter ....The list goes on.

How much time to do all this? Again reality is a very important factor. What is feasible and sustainable on an on-going weekly schedule? What will be enough to keep the work enjoyable, to obtain results without it becoming drudgery and building feelings of resentment?

Will an hour a day be enough? Or is it better to spend a larger chunk of time twice a week writing and scheduling posts and blogs for the future?

Too many questions without answers at this time! Integrative Waves will just have to go for it, try a schedule out and then modify if it is not manageable or working. We will spend an hour or so a day attending to our online presence.

OK, enough said about the time commitment! Why choose these particular tools? The interaction that is possible and the unlimited potential reach is quite mind-boggling!

Our business lends itself well to Facebook and Google+ - small bits of information combined with photos about health and beauty. Questions are a fun way to involve the viewer. It can also be a way to find out more about what people want to know in this area. There are many ways to be creative and not always have to be the author of the post such as sharing interesting articles regarding skin care or health. Facebook Insights will help us fine-tune our posts as we monitor who likes what.

A weekly blog - some short articles, some longer - will help demonstrate our expertise. This will be a useful reference for clients and potential clients and will keep Integrative Waves more as a presence for them.

A monthly email newsletter, as mentioned in a previous blog, helps reach those people who do not use social media. If someone does not use a computer very much at all or maybe never, this is something that can be printed out and mailed to them. A business must meet clients at the client's comfort level - do not expect the client to adapt. The blog posts can also be printed if needed.  The newsletter can also be handed around at events.

Goals for online marketing strategy for the next six months -
1) Increase online audience to social media sites.
2) Increase traffic to website from these sites.
3) Increased online interest translated into potential clientele becoming actual clientele.

After much consideration, the schedule for the first month, January 2014, is:

Twitter - daily tweets.
The topics will be varied - inspirational, health related.  There will be a mixture of original tweets, interesting quotes retweeted, and articles shared. Facebook and blog posts are linked to Twitter, reducing the daily workload.

Facebook - twice weekly posts.
 - Essential Oil highlight each week with photo of the plant:

  • Lavender
  • Rose Geranium
  • Lemon
  • Eucalyptus Radiata
- Skin care product highlight and photo of product - Cleanser. Ask a question - What do you clean  your skin with?
- Share a health related article such as "Sitting may be shortening your life". Ask what people are doing to help their health.
- Nutrition spotlight on different seasonal fruits and vegetables. Orange - photo of it and its' nutritional information,

Google + will be gradually introduced with similar scheduling style and similar but not the same posts as Facebook.

Blog scheduled weekly - articles of varying length - midweek day such as Wednesday.
  • Week 1 - Battling the Post-Holiday and Winter Blues.
  • Week 2 - Lavender Essential Oil.
  • Week 3 - Battling Winter Colds and Flu.
  • Week 4 - Water and Lymphatic Drainage

Email Newsletter - monthly.
January's newsletter topics:

  • Essential Oil of the Month - Lavender
  • Monthly Skin Care Product - Regenerating Cream 
  • Skin Care Tip - Winter skin issues
  • Why use? section - Why use sunscreen during winter? 
  • Seasonal Recipe - Winter Essential Oil Blend
  • Special of the Month - Facial Extraordinaire

LinkedIn will be a work in progress. Small steps forward.....

Google Analytics will be used to monitor our progress and help us adjust as needed.

Well, now that our January is decided, planned and scheduled, Integrative Waves is going surfing.....

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