Saturday, December 14, 2013

Reflecting in the Waves of Integrative Waves

The ocean that is social media has been all very interesting but Integrative Waves is now dragging our tail. The year is almost at an end and we need some well-deserved vacation. Heading off to relax and consider all that we have learned.

Going to the southern hemisphere to get some sun and to think on the right side of the earth. The 'wa' of Integrative Waves needs a reboot!

Last bit of work before we leave. To review and reflect on what we have learned - to look back so that we can go forward with knowledge and insight.

We started using social media only recently. Now we understand a lot more. We have dipped and dabbled in quite a few coves. Now it is time for a swim!

Integrative Waves began a Facebook Page and found we have been getting increased interaction. We have not posted any real business promotion on it yet. We wanted to get accustomed to using it and posting regularly before the real work began. Now we definitely have a better working knowledge and so can proceed with a more certain step. But a business does have to be creative and interesting to get and hold attention.

Twitter has been extremely interesting and rather fun, LinkedIn and Google+ need more of our attention. Newsletters are being planned and organised, blog topics scheduled.

Will social media and the like be the main way we interact with our clients? No. Integrative Waves is a very much hands-on business and face-to-face works best for us. But the combination will be powerful, the blend potent.

What is the nice thing is that now we have a solid foundation upon which to build and grow. The waves can depend on the sand for support.....

Blogs commented on:
Nate Scharff
Mella Webster


  1. Social media would truly be a way for people to learn about your business. Yes, hands on, personal contact with referrals from your clients are best. Do keep up your Facebook, it's enjoyable.

  2. Thanks Dee Marie for those encouraging words!

    I have enjoyed reading your posts. Good luck with your business and for the future.

